Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Unlike most of my posts, today's entry is going to be a shorter one (the home viewing audience lets out a collective sigh of relief.) My assignment was to create an account on NetLibrary and then have a look around. The concept behind e-audiobooks is a pretty cool one. I've enjoyed listening to books on cd and cassette in my car and figured that listening on my nifty new mp3 player (thank you City Library!) might be worth trying. Unfortunately, after creating my account I quickly realized how limited NetLibrary's selection is. Being a children's librarian I decided to focus on the children's titles. Unfortunately they only offered 223 fiction titles (which may seem like a lot, but in all actuality, really isn't that many.) I scrolled through the titles and only found one book which interested me - "The Fairy-Tale Detectives" (The Sisters Grimm: Book One). The children's classics category only had 13 titles, none of which excited me.

Not only was I disappointed with NetLibrary's selection but I also felt that their site was difficult to navigate. Initially I tried searching by title and author, but after repeatedly pulling up zero results I found it easier to just browse through the entire category. I think NetLibrary has the potential to be useful, but for the time being it's just a little too limited.